June 29: Unite for Voting Rights with NYDLC

Join NYDLC & New York Democrats on June 29 as we Unite for Voting Rights!

With the summer phase of the 2016 elections in full swing, Democrats need to come together to support voting rights for ALL Americans.

Since 2010, 22 states across the U.S. have passed restrictive voter laws that further an ugly suppression strategy which makes it harder for ordinary Americans to vote. Having lost the battle for viable ideas to move America forward, the GOP has resorted to blocking the will of the electorate in order to cling to power.

Now, they have turned over control of their party to authoritarian strongman Donald Trump, who is temperamentally unfit to be commander in chief. Instead of denouncing his bigoted candidacy and standing up for American values, most Republicans are going along to get along. For the second time in a decade, it falls upon the Democrats to preserve the character and viability of our republic. Which is why we need YOUR help!

Hear from elected officials and experts like Ari Berman, senior contributing writer and fellow at The Nationwho will discuss the state of U.S. voting rights.

Working together, we can protect the rights of voters, retain the White House, take back OUR Congress, and elect a working Democratic Majority to the NYS Senate. 

Join us on June 29th to get involved and help NYDLC protect the vote in 2016.

Please RSVP below (required for security).

June 29, 2016 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
We Work (FiDi)
85 Broad St
Floor 28
New York, NY 10004
United States
Google map and directions
Theo Harris and Jarret Berg · · 866-NYDLC-01

Will you come?
