CLE: Reforming the Electoral College - On Demand!

NYDLC is proud to offer the opportunity to view our hit CLE program "Reforming the Electoral College" on demand, so you can watch whenever you'd like!   This program, broadcasted live on December 9, 2020, brought together leading academic and election law professionals to discuss how to reform the Electoral College process for electing the President of the United States.

The panel examines the history of this process, different attempts to reform the Electoral College, including the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, and discusses pertinent Supreme Court jurisprudence, including the Faithless Electors issue.

Purchase a ticket below, and you will be sent the links to view the program, along with materials, and instructions on how to redeem credit!


Jerry Goldfeder
Special Counsel, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP

Susan Herman
President, American Civil Liberties Union

Dr. John Koza
Founder, National Popular Vote


Jarret Berg
Co-Founder, Vote Early NY

In hopes that this vital discussion reaches a broad audience, and in recognition of hard times for many, this CLE has a low ticket price of $50 for members, $75 for non-members.  If you would like to make a voluntary, additional contribution, you may do so here.

Two NYS Professional Practice CLE credits. This virtual course is appropriate for both newly-admitted and experienced attorneys. 

Please email [email protected] with any questions or any scholarship requests, as NYDLC has a complete financial aid policy for those unable to pay.


Purchase Your On Demand Ticket Below!

$75.00 NYDLC Nonmember
Choose this price if you have not paid your annual NYDLC membership dues.
$50.00 NYDLC Member
Choose this price if you are current with your annual NYDLC membership dues.
