Conflicted: Supreme Court Ethics and the Future of Voting Rights - On Demand!

NYDLC is proud to offer the opportunity to view our hit CLE program "Conflicted: Supreme Court Ethics and the Future of Voting Rights" on demand, so you can watch whenever you'd like!   This program, broadcasted live on July 23, 2024, brought together leading academic and election law professionals to review recent ethical lapses by specific justices, how conflict of interest has been handled historically at the Supreme Court, and what their partisan biases might mean for the future of certain high profile voting rights cases.

The panel offers a discussion of the current state of the Supreme Court, recent ethical lapses by specific justices, how conflict of interest has been handled historically at the Supreme Court and what their ideological biases might mean for the future of certain high profile voting rights cases.  The agenda for this program covers the background of how ethical issues have been handled at the Supreme Court, specific ethical issues occurring now and how the model rules apply, a focused discussion on a couple high profile voting rights cases, and then a final section on how the justices' recent conflicts of interest could impact future voting rights cases.

John Freedman, who worked on Alexander v. South Carolina NAACP at the Supreme Court, as well as Elisabeth Frost, who worked on the Brnovich v. DNC case, speak about their experiences leading up to the impactful decisions, both of which were ultimately authored by Justice Samuel Alito, while he was engaged in some of the controversial conduct now being discussed in the news.

Purchase a ticket below, and you will be sent the links to view the program, along with materials, and instructions on how to redeem credit! Non-attorneys and those not seeking credit are also welcome to attend for free! (please email [email protected] to request the information)!


Nick Akerman
former Watergate prosecutor and Assistant US Attorney in the SDNY

John A. Freedman
Senior Pro Bono Counsel, Arnold & Porter

Elisabeth Frost
Litigation Chair, Elias Law Group

Marian Schneider
Senior Policy Counsel for Voting Rights, ACLU-PA

& Moderated by

Jeff Wice
Adjunct Professor/Senior Fellow, New York Law School

In hopes that this vital discussion reaches a broad audience, and in recognition of hard times for many, this CLE has a low ticket price of $50 for members, $75 for non-members.  If you would like to make a voluntary, additional contribution, you may do so here.

This virtual course is appropriate for experienced attorneys.  Due to the pre-recorded video formatting, the Ethics credits for this course are not available to newly admitted attorneys pursuant to the attached requirements provided the New York State CLE Board.  Of course, newly admitted attorneys, non-attorneys, and anyone else not seeking credit, is invited to watch for free.

Two NYS Ethics CLE credits.

Please email [email protected] with any questions or any scholarship requests, as NYDLC has a complete financial aid policy for those unable to pay.


Purchase Your On Demand Ticket Below!

$75.00 NYDLC Nonmember
Choose this price if you have not paid your annual NYDLC membership dues.
$50.00 NYDLC Member
Choose this price if you are current with your annual NYDLC membership dues.
